
Iron Scales: FALLEN Ch 003 Pt 001

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Radadeus_Concept by ApproachingHeaven

Chapter 003 - Failure & Misfortune

Part 001 - Cracks In The Window

The town is a mess in and of itself. Seattle’s building structure and roadway layout is a disaster to the trio. But they don’t emphasize on the city, much less it’s lack of organization. They are out to find these Hunters and have some sort of productive conversation, hopefully finding out what happened to Övin and Vontóskonūius.

The trio takes note that the human flight crews are staring at them and their aircraft: the TEZK-220. How these dragon-like figures got here, they have no idea. But the staring continues. Soon enough, it becomes awkward for the trio. They move on to note that an entire crowd from within the airport itself is also staring, blatantly awed by the three foreign figures. To them, just the concept of a dragon, let alone a dragon carrying and wearing futuristic tech and clothing, is enough to throw them off. To think a dragon would pilot a jet or wield a sword that, to them, is purely beyond understanding. These humans are stunned, too, because they noticed how the jet was coming from beyond the sky. It was detected miles before the airport by military radar, and the image was made the subject of live TV.

Nothing could compare, however, to the sight of another dragon, seeming to melt his human skin to form scales. Within two seconds come hooded and dark figures, striking down the red-crest in the building. It falls, lays limp, and is forced into handcuffs by the dark figures. It is to the disgust of Rádadeus, too, for his hands are suddenly balled into fists, angry at the dark figures who now drag the downed red-crest away. As soon as they are visible, they become invisible. He whispers under his breath a curse, continuing on. “Persecute us, you low-level hounds.”

A dark figure appears again and points the spectacle trio out, shouting something inaudible because of the distance and glass. Something inside Rádadeus tells him that doom would fall if he doesn’t act. “Stay with me, Émilë. Lükaun, too. They may be targeting us.”

With that, both of them inch ever-closer to their leader. They feel the feeling of doom, too, and are clearly nervous. With the tension building, they know they cannot stay in one place for so long.


Lükaun whimpers inaudibly as the trio cram into separate taxi cabs that were waved down by Rádadeus. His Seokian accent against English words is harsh, half the sound of an Argentine accent from speaking Spanish and half the sound of the heavy Norwegian accent. Somehow, the drivers are able to understand the English and accent, despite being caught off-guard by a new sound.

The taxis ride in chain, one following the other, because both Lükaun and Émilë aren’t able to speak English yet. They do, however, have no problems when they report back to Ground control in Sohosis. Émilë, annoyed by the tight space, groans and comments in her report, “I wish my brother’d found some better vehicles. These taxi cabs are a rather- urgh -tight fit.”

A humored Antuin laughs and responds. “He knows what he’s doing. Mostly.”

“Yeah, right.”

“Look, it seems hard to understand, but he’s doing this for the better. All you have to do is trust him. He’s your eldest brother, for AlDeus’s sake!”

“You know what!”

That silences Antuin, and the audio is static for a few seconds, as the signal seems to momentarily be obscured. In that moment, the plan made earlier seems to begin to shatter, as the taxis begin a journey not indicated by Rádadeus earlier, traveling at a sudden 90MPH and accelerating, forcing the three back into their seats. Something is wrong here, and the prince knows just that fact. To get himself some information, he observes the driver for a few seconds, then is struck with a morbid realization. Rádadeus curses at himself for not bringing along road vehicles, then the driver for being one of The Hunters. The taxis are rigged as traps, sprung by three unlucky dragons not even native to the world.

That exact curse is heard in Émilë’s radio, and she immediately knows that something is wrong. With her brother cursing like that, she ought to correct him, as it isn’t culturally acceptable [by which standards the trio live by] to cuss more than once at a time. ‘Let him go on. He will explain later on.’ Her mind implies, and Émilë calls out on the radio. “Brother? What’s going on?”

She hears back. “Hunter vehicles. These taxis are rigged. We have to get out of here and find a shelter location before they find us out.”

Behind her is the cab carrying Lükaun, which has already been broken apart by the violet dragon. He’s escaped, but now it’s her turn. And, what about her brother? She decides that he will be fine and escape, knowing little that the driver in that vehicle was prepared ahead of time for the dragon prince. Charging, she breaks the window glass and rolls out onto the road, meeting Lükaun on the street.

He asks where Rádadeus is, having heard a mayday call that she did not.
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